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LBTQ Health Equity Initiative Pre-launch archive

The S.H.E. Lab has partnered with the California Department of Public Health as evaluators to provide technical assistance to LGBTQ+ organizations across California. Our evaluation processes are based in intersectional, health-equitable, and empowerment evaluation theories in order to highlight and uplift the already well-developed work that our LGBTQ+ communities have cultivated across generations.


Our goal as evaluators is to emphasize the autonomy of our community, while providing technical assistance necessary to build data-driven evaluation skills to secure them more funding. 


In an effort to keep the public informed and maintain transparency, we have included the pre-launch PowerPoints below that outline the goals of the LBTQ Health Equity Initiative.  

Explore the archive below

LBTQ Workgroup Meeting I 12082021.png
LBTQ Workgroup Meeting II 12152021.v.2.png
LBTQ Stakeholder Townhall 01252022.png
LBTQ SPCB RFA Stakeholder Townhall 05262022 PDF.png
LBTQ Research Townhall 06092022.jpg
LBTQ SPCB RFA Public Stakeholder Townhall 081122.png
LBTQ SPCBP Pre-Application Conference 100322.png



S.H.E. Lab

Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology

University of California, Santa Barbara

Copyright © 2021

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