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Current Projects

LGBTQ+ Immigration

It is estimated that approximately 1 million Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Latinx immigrants reside in the U.S., of which 25% do not hold documentation to reside and/or work (Garcia, 2013). With funding from the Chicano Studies Institute at UCSB (2019; 2020), Dr. Cerezo and their colleagues have ongoing projects exploring health behaviors and health outcomes among LGBTQ+ immigrants. This involves exploring PTSD-symptomatology, substance use and HIV risk. 

Daily Diary
Daily Diary of Stress and Drinking Among Black and Latinx Sexual Minority Women

Sexual Minority Women (SMW) are more likely to be current alcohol users, binge drinkers, and heavy drinkers than heterosexual women and are 11 times more likely to meet the threshold for alcohol use disorder. A scoping review of alcohol research on SMW (2000-2017) highlighted severe underrepresentation of Black and Latina samples; 1 in 4 Black women and 1 in 5 Latinxs (across gender) in the US identify as a sexual minority. With funding from the Hellman Faculty Fellowship and Academic Senate at UCSB (2020), Dr. Cerezo and their colleagues are exploring the links between life stress, intersectional stigma, and discrimination, mental health, and alcohol use.

LBTQ Health Equity Initiative

The LBTQ Health Equity Initiative of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) prioritizes Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and other sexual or gender expansive folx (LBTQ), with an emphasis on aiding youth, elders, and BIPOC in the community. Our initiative will address health disparities experienced by 2.5 million Californians state-wide who identify as LBTQ.




S.H.E. Lab

Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology

University of California, Santa Barbara

Copyright © 2021

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